Copper water bottle usage is rising daily and becoming a trending topic in wellness. Are you excited to know the potential benefits and see if the claims are true? In recent days copper water bottles have gained popularity for their health benefits and unique properties. For ages, humans have been using copper metal as cooking vessels, water storage utensils, or as storage containers. Then people slowly started moving to plastic and alloys to deal with comfort, however, copper metal is still in trend.
In this article, India Circus helps you decode the myths and facts of using copper water bottles to help you understand better. Come on, we’ll explore the benefits of water in copper bottles with myths and facts:
Common claim on Copper Water bottle Myth
Let’s have a look at the common copper water bottle myth that has been circulating over the years:
1.Get strained easily and hard to clean

Not only copper metal but every metal gets stained easily and takes some effort to clean it. It can be a plastic bottle, steel bottle, or copper bottle, same efforts have to be put in to clean them. For example, You can clean plastic bottles and steel bottles with your desired chemicals or the regular ones, whereas you should specifically wash copper bottles with the chemicals that are meant to clean those metals. By using those chemicals, only less effort is required to wash it. Of course can’t we do this to enjoy the benefits of copper bottles or vessels in our day to day life? Use lemon juice and salt to remove stains and bring color to your copper jugs to do it in a natural way possible.
2.Copper Poisoning

The common myth about copper is it being toxic towards human health, though it totally depends on how copper is used. Some beverages may result in leaching of the metals though not water, rather water is quite unreactive to copper utensils.
The sources of corrosion are ample, and hence copper needs attention and regular cleaning for one to enjoy the true benefits of it.
3.Copper Water Bottles are Expensive
Copper utensils are expensive, similar to other utensils in the market. However the quality can make some difference in the price, but it is more affordable and reachable to all categories of people. For instance, If one wishes to buy a bottle but is confused about buying steel bottles or copper bottles, the bottles with the same design and same brand only have slight price differences when comparing both steel and copper bottles. So copper bottles are affordable but it is individual preference to buy which metal considering the health benefits.
Common advantages of Copper Water Bottles
Let’s look into the common advantages of using copper water bottles, tumblers and jugs:
1.Boosting the Immune System

Copper is an essential element that plays a vital role in helping maintain the immune system. Drinking water that is stored in the copper vessels might aid in fulfilling the essential copper requirements in your body. This potentially supports the robust immune system. Clean and wash the copper vessels and store water regularly to enjoy the benefits to the fullest.
2.Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Copper is known for its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Some studies claim that drinking copper infused water helps in reducing inflammation in the body. Inflammation is related to many chronic health diseases. Incorporating a sufficient amount of copper and water in your routine helps you overcome all these health conditions.
3.Aids in Digestion

Copper is believed to support the process of digestion to break down food particles in the stomach by aiding digestion. The idea is that eating or drinking copper and water from this metal helps stimulate metabolism and increase digestion. There is no doubt that copper metals promote digestion. But simply consuming this metal doesn’t improve your health. Following a routine with proper food habits and exercises, in addition to this, consuming from copper bottles keeps you on the safer side.
The Bottom Line
The benefits of copper bottles are widely claimed with the proof of scientific research results. They help with antibacterial properties, anti inflammatory and potential health benefits. Incorporating copper and water in your daily routine with limited proportions can help you attain good health for your overall well being. If you consider using copper bottles, copper mugs, and copper tumblers in day to day life use them within safe limits. Visit India Circus to explore more collections and pieces of advice on it.
FAQs About on Benefits of Water in Copper Bottle
1.How to consume water safely in copper bottles without toxicity?
Regular maintenance of the copper bottles can help you consume water in a safe way. Regular washing and maintenance of your copper jugs can make it hygienic. Instead of using chemicals to wash copper metal, add lemon juice and salt to wash copper vessels to remove the stains, bring back the color and maintain it on a healthy note.
2.Can you store water in copper mugs or water bottles?
This practice can be a gain for the one who follows it. Yes, storing water in copper mugs or copper bottles is safe. But do store and use it regularly and frequently. Don’t store it for days as it might become toxic. This practice has been initiated centuries ago and has its origin in Ayurvedic principles.