Almost everyone needs a study table to not just study, but also to simply focus and begin the task. It’s a habit that has been long drilled into us and we respond to it likewise. What’s more important, is to have a cohesive environment that fosters this behavior and minimizes distractions. Here are a few study table decoration ideas to boost motivation when you take up a task.
Study Table Decoration Ideas for Your Home:

Here are a few ideas to decorate and organize your Study table:
- Keep it clutter-free
- Planters
- Display board/Corkboard
- Wall art
- Sticky notes
- Chalkboard/whiteboard
- Organizers
- Cupboards and shelves
- Lighting/Table Lamps
- Colour scheme
- Glass/acrylic sheet
Organize the space

There are many options if you ask, how to organize a study table? But the real question is, why do you need to organize your study table or a study table decoration? Your spaces are a direct reflection of you. In this case, you want your surroundings to be clutter-free with the essentials at a hand’s reach. It gives the mind clarity on the to-do tasks, preventing overwhelm and boredom. Plan out all your needs specifically, including a bottle of water minimizing the distractions while working.
Use Flowers or Planters

A simple study table decoration idea, DIY is using flowers or planters. While flowers (especially yellow-coloured) signify positive energy, plants bring calmness. Use small flowers from the garden to lighten up your desk and sometimes, bring new flowers for a change. Small house plants are now available from the size of teacups to small pots specifically designed for study tables. You can now appreciate the beauty of nature as you work.
Display Boards or Glass Tops

Display boards have far been the most important aspects of the study. These boards can be decorated according to your liking and you can have a study table makeover by changing the board’s hangings. Mostly, using a motivational quote or having a checklist with time stamps helps being productive throughout. Glass tops are alternatives when display boards cannot be added to your space. These are placed just on the desk’s top surface. The space between the two mediums serves as a place to put anything that will keep you going for longer including a small purpose statement or motivational quote.
Wall Art

If you’re a person that doesn’t like to pin things up,study table wall decor might be the right choice for you. Small frames with family pictures, a visual board or a quote from your favourite artist or author will help with the overall room decor as well. Go for colours that complement the existing hues in your room . You can also showcase your creative side here by putting up your favourite artwork.
Sticky Notes

When in peak exam pressure, why not put revision sticky notes right in front of your desk? It not only helps you revise but also sets the mood for study and serves as a great reminder to help you focus. Use sticky notes with various colours to categorize topics and to add a pop of colour to black-and-white study material.
Chalkboard or Whiteboard

These blank canvases intuitively push a person to start making to-do lists or make specific pointers to aid memory in the long run. Plus, wipe them clean when done and a tidy board is ready again for the next task. It’s rewritable so you can edit and erase as needed.
Have a shelf on the wall
Decoration ideas for study tables don’t just end at tables. There are endless options on how to decorate the study table wall . Shelves enhance the overall look of the room, and also give your study space a little more structure. Adding shelves in geometric patterns like triangles or rhombuses creates a look that’s out of the box and speaks creativity. Moreover, decorate the shelf with books or small plants or any cute plaything you own.
Have a table lamp

How to decorate a study table with minimal effort? The answer is to use table lamps to achieve the look of an aesthetic table. Table lamps ensure that ambient lighting is maintained while studying while helping with room decor. The lampshades now are available in a variety of hues and shapes, further adding to the look.
Play with colours

Colours have the ability to influence your mood and focus. Greens are said to help positively affect thinking and reduce stress, while blues and whites help feel calm and relaxed. Study room decoration items are just endless. Choose stationery, and wallpapers and you can even use study table organization items like pen stands to match the shades that can up your energy. It’s also essential to consider that study happens in an environment so choose your colour based on the existing scheme in your study area.
Get creative
Unfortunately, when exams are soon after festivities, a part of you wants to enjoy the outdoors and a part of you wants to sit at your table. Study table decoration ideas, DIY can help you unwind and give your study space a festive charm. Bring the festive vibe right to your desk by incorporating festival decos near your desk and using them as fuel to keep your focus. It also adds a touch of fun and creativity to your space.
Whatever your choice, there is ample creativity to explore. Get creative by trying different study table decor options and add a touch of your mood to your space. Change the theme as you need and add new themes effortlessly. A well-kept space always reaps productivity and productivity reaps success. So enjoy your study time in an environment that fosters you to keep going.
FAQs About Study Table Decor
How to make your study table more attractive?
A minimalist, simple look always works the best. It is attractive as it looks clutter-free and well-kempt.
How to decorate your study table?
Decorate it as you like and try to have themes around the important days or months.
Are there any budget-friendly sticky notes options for decorating a study table?
Yes, you can use simple origami paper as sticky notes for decorating your study table
What should we keep on a study table?
Books, pens and marking materials in a pen stand and a lamp should be enough.